The Rite of Acceptance and the Rite of Welcome: The Cross

By: Kathy Kuczka

The Cross is one of the most ancient symbols of Christianity. Crosses can be seen wherever we look. Crosses hang from rear-view mirrors, in bedrooms, and stand on faraway hills. They are made out of wood, gold and even palm branches. They adorn necks, ear lobes, fingers and wrists. Jewelers prize them and tourist vendors take stock in them. Because the cross has become so commonplace, the central meaning of the Cross can become obscured or taken for granted.

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Adult Confirmation: A Joy and a Journey

Every year adults who want to be confirmed come to RCIA.  For these Catholics, it is important to honor their Catholic Baptism and pastorally consider their faith formation needs. The result for these people may be a time of preparation that is significantly shorter than for the unbaptized or those coming from another Christian tradition.  Roger Desjardins from St. Philip Benizi shared his story on how they minister to Adults seeking Confirmation.

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