RCIA Open Forum Notes: September 1, 2020

The Archdiocesan Forum for the RCIA held a virtual Open Forum on Tuesday, September 1st.  The topic was “The virtual RCIA”.  Presenters were Lorraine Miller and Darleine Arce of St. Phillip Benizi, both Forum members. The presentation covered ideas, methods and tips and tricks for successfully navigating RCIA in the …

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Pastoral Challenges Implementing the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

Judi Hornback, RCIA Director, St. Pius X Catholic Church, Conyers GA

Implementing the RCIA process is not for the faint of heart.  There is no “one size fits all” Catechumenate.  The RCIA can be messy because we encounter individuals with unique stories and personal and pastoral need.  In addition, because God calls people at different times and for various reasons, we can expect challenges. 

Inquirers come to us desiring being able to participate fully in the Catholic Community.  Our task is to welcome them and provide support so they can encounter Jesus and ultimately become disciples too. 

Those who go on to become catechumens and candidates will need both the RCIA ministers and the parish community to accompany, encourage and show by example how the Scriptures and a life of prayer and service are the basis for a faith-filled life.  

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The Rite of Election and Call to Continuing Conversion Frequently Asked Questions

If the Rite of Election and Call to Continuing Conversion is only for the Catechumens, may I bring my Candidates? You are correct, the Rite of Election is primarily for the Catechumens, but you are welcome to bring your Candidates who will participate in the Call to Continuing Conversion. Is …

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