Mystagogy: Looking back to move ahead

by Kathy Kuczka

The period of Mystagogy offers the newly initiated the opportunity to deepen their grasp of the paschal mystery by participating in the Eucharistic life of the parish community. It also offers the community the opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate the new life in their midst.

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The Scrutiny Rites: The Presider’s Role

Turner bookby Kathy Kuczka

In Celebrating Initiation: A Guide for Priests author Paul Turner, a priest of the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph, leads priests through twenty-six rites of initiation, including adaptations for the baptized candidates, the various infant baptismal rites, and so on. With the Lenten season upon us, we will look at what he says about the scrutiny rites for unbaptized adults and children and the penitential rite for the baptized.

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