How the RCIA Evangelizes the Parish

Now that the Vigil is over, you may find your phone and email messages about how to become Catholic increase. Read this article by Forum Member, Terry Zobel about the power of the RCIA to evangelize the entire parish.  It will make you stop and consider the importance of doing RCIA well knowing that the effects of RCIA reach way beyond the candidates and catechumens.

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Mystagogical Sessions Outside of the Eucharist

by Terry Zobel

The Rite does not have a whole lot to say about this period and it doesn’t really give us much in the way of how-to instructions for its implementation. What is does say can be found in paragraphs 244-51—a mere eight paragraphs. Those paragraphs give us the flavor, the tone, the mood for this rich period. For me, this period has three distinct elements.

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