A Prayer Service for the RCIA Team

As you gather and meet with your RCIA team, remember to begin with prayer.  Here is  A Prayer Service for the RCIA Team created by the diocese of Lansing that I found in my resources.  The opening prayer and petitions in this prayer service beautifully articulate the mission of the RCIA.

Infant or Adult Baptism?

At this year’s Easter Vigil at St. Thomas Aquinas, 22 adults and children, age seven and older, were baptized, and thus far this year, 46 infants or young children under the age of seven have been baptized. This illustrates that both adult baptism and infant baptism co-exist as separate Rites of Initiation in the Catholic Church. But that hasn’t always been the case.

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Back to Basics

Sometimes we need to go back to basics.  This article talks about three fundamental things to consider when working with the RCIA. Three Tips for Working with the RCIA